using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using GestureWorksCoreNET; using GestureWorksCoreNET.Unity; public class TouchClock : TouchObject { protected GameObject AffineTransform; protected readonly string AffineTransformName = "GW Transform Context"; protected Transform OriginalParentTransform; /// /// Starts the transform context. Call this before any value changes occur /// if you want manipulations to start where the center of the gesture happens. /// Important: you must use AffineTransform in the GestureUpdate as the point /// of manipulation. /// public void StartAffineTransform(Vector3 contextLocation){ if (AffineTransform == null) { AffineTransform = new GameObject(); = AffineTransformName; AffineTransform.transform.position = contextLocation; } AffineTransform.transform.LookAt(Vector3.forward); OriginalParentTransform = this.transform.parent; this.transform.parent = null; AffineTransform.transform.parent = OriginalParentTransform; this.transform.parent = AffineTransform.transform; } /// /// Call this at the end of the contextual gesture manipulation. /// public void EndAffineTransform(){ this.transform.parent = OriginalParentTransform; AffineTransform.transform.parent = null; Destroy(AffineTransform); } public void NDrag(GestureEvent gEvent){ MoveObjectInCameraPlane(gEvent); float cx = Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x, -2.0f, 2.0f); float cy = Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.y, 0.0f, 2.0f); float cz = 0.0f; transform.position = new Vector3(cx, cy, cz); } public void NRotate(GestureEvent gEvent){ float multiplier = 0.75f; Camera cam = Camera.main; float dTheta = gEvent.Values["rotate_dtheta"]*multiplier; float screenX = gEvent.X; float screenY = cam.GetScreenHeight() - gEvent.Y; float screenZ = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(this.transform.position).z; Vector3 touchLocation = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(screenX, screenY, screenZ)); StartAffineTransform(touchLocation); AffineTransform.transform.Rotate(0, 0, dTheta); EndAffineTransform(); } public void NScale(GestureEvent gEvent){ float multiplier = 0.5f; float scaleDX = gEvent.Values["scale_dsx"]*multiplier; float scaleDY = gEvent.Values["scale_dsy"]*multiplier; float cx = Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.x+scaleDX, 0.5f, 2f); float cy = Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.y+scaleDY, 0.5f, 2f); float cz = Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.z+scaleDY, 0.5f, 2f); transform.localScale = new Vector3(cx, cy, cz); } public void ThreeFingerTilt(GestureEvent gEvent){ float multiplier = 1.0f; Camera cam = Camera.main; float tiltDX = gEvent.Values["tilt_dx"]*multiplier; float tiltDY = gEvent.Values["tilt_dy"]*multiplier; float screenX = gEvent.X; float screenY = cam.GetScreenHeight() - gEvent.Y; float screenZ = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(this.transform.position).z; Vector3 touchLocation = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(screenX, screenY, screenZ)); StartAffineTransform(touchLocation); AffineTransform.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * (tiltDX)); AffineTransform.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * tiltDY*-1); EndAffineTransform(); } }